Special Showing: 1960 Beaver Falls vs New Brighton Football Game
Special showing of Joe Namath’s last High School Football Game in 1960 - “Beaver Falls vs. New Brighton”
This football game features one of the best teams in Western PA’s history. Beaver Falls won the WPIAL in 1960, was ranked #1 in the state and was ranked 5th nationally.

Date: Saturday, December 2, 2017
Time: 10am – 12pm
Location: Carnegie Free Library of Beaver Falls, 1301 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, 15010
This special viewing will include:
- Open house and refreshments at the Hall of Achievement Museum from 10am-10:45am
- Announcement of 2018 Hall of Achievement inductee’s from 10:45am-11am
- Showing of movie from 11am-11:30am
- Museum open until noon!
There just may be some former players in attendance from that special game! ADA accessible. This event is free and everyone is welcome to attend!
For more information call 724-728-7399.