Albert Carbone
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Albert Carbone was a 1943 graduate of Beaver Falls High School. Al participated in football and baseball. Upon high school graduation, Al enlisted in the Unites States Marine Corp and served our country during World War II from 1943 until 1946.
In the Fall of 1946, Al enrolled at Geneva College. While a student at Geneva, he participated in football and baseball. He was a starting guard on the football team for three years and the starting catcher for three seasons. Al and Larry Bruno were teammates and became very good friends and shared a life-long friendship. Al graduated in 1950 and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in education and history. Years later, both Al and Larry would be named to Geneva College’s Top 100 in football from 1890-1949 and to Geneva’s All-time Top 100 team from 1890-2000.
During the 1950s and 1960s, Al served on the Beaver Falls school district school board. In 1959, serving as vice president of the school board, Al was influential in the appointment of Larry Bruno as a teacher and head football coach at Beaver Falls.
Also, during this time frame, Al was president of the Beaver Falls Recreation Board. Under his direction, the city enjoyed the beginning of many recreation programs including youth baseball, youth basketball, neighborhood playground programs and adult recreation programs. Al also served as a head coach in basketball and manager in baseball for the recreation league.
In 1962, Al began his teaching career at Big Beaver Elementary school. He would occupy this position for eight years.
In around 1950, Al started coaching the football program at St. Mary’s Catholic grade school in Beaver Falls. As head coach, Al implemented offensive and defensive schemes. His teams enjoyed much success on the field and the team served as a feeder program for the high school football team.
With the merger of school districts, in the fall of 1970, Al was transferred from Big Beaver Elementary School to Beaver Falls Jr. High School. While teaching at the Jr. High, Al became an assistant Jr. High Football coach and would hold this position through the 1975 season.
In 1972, Al became the Head Boys Track coach. He coached through the 1975 season. In 1973, Al’s teaching position was reassigned to the high school. Al taught social studies and driver’s education. He served as the Head Jr. High Football coach during the 1976 and 1977 seasons.
In 1978, Al was appointed to the varsity staff as assistant coach. During the summer prior to the beginning of the school year and football season, Al was diagnosed with cancer. Al started the school year attempting to fulfill his duties; however, as his illness progressed, he was unable to continue to teach and coach. On Sunday, December 10, 1978, Al died of cancer. At the time of his death, his wife, Angeline, Karl Florie and Larry Bruno were at his bedside.
During his lifetime, Al also served in other leadership roles, which include St. Mary’s Parish Council and in the Knights of Columbus. He proctored the local and state police examinations. During 1977 and 1978, Al served as the school district’s representative of the Beaver County Area Vocational Technical School Authority Board.
Al married Angeline Alberti from Eastvale on April 7, 1951. Al and Ange raised four sons and two daughters His children include: Albert (Abbie), who died of leukemia in 1967 at the age of 13, Dorothy, Fr. Anthony, Paula, James and Peter (doctorate in education).
Albert Carbone served his church, his family, his country, his community, and his school district. His values, contributions and accomplishments are a reflection of the vision and mission of the Larry Bruno Foundation.